Hack the Patriarchy

Hack the Patriarchy was created to welcome women & non-binary folks of diverse backgrounds for an inclusive 24-hour meeting of the hearts, minds and skillsets

Within 24 hours, our teams will engage in brainstorming, planning and creating solutions to address a diverse array of issues. We will be conducting technical and non-technical workshops to equip and empower all teammates, both technical and non-technical.

We aim to gather mentors from various industries to share their skill sets and their knowledge to benefit a wider group of minorities.

5 Founding Principles

  • Inclusion – Our Code of Conduct includes a harassment-free environment, welcoming to LGBTQ, POC and those with various abilities as well as male allies.
  • Collaboration – Teamwork is a crucial component of finding successful solutions. We want to bring together diverse skills & perspectives.
  • Intersectional Feminism – The advocacy of all women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
  • Technology – The use of ever evolving technology allows us to find new, inventive solutions to obstacles facing women.
  • Local to Global – Some solutions are better implemented in our own back yard, and some are more suited to international or global use.

Our first hackathon was a great success! Join our newsletter at HackThePatriarchy.com for more information about future events.