But as women, we’ve been socialized to be people-pleasers. We’re constantly steeped in messages to shrink ourselves and take up less space.

But here’s the truth about what’s good for your career               and your life:

(and it’s contrary to nearly everything we’ve been taught…)

Speaking up. Advocating on your own behalf.

Because your colleagues and your company need your genius.

You make them look good. You make them money.

Which is why holding back serves no one — especially not you.

I’m Kali Williams and I’m a Keynote Speaker, Corporate Trainer and Your Confidence & Communication Coach.

I’ve spoken at 150+ events, including at Harvard, Stanford, and SXSW each year for the last four years.

I’m a provocative and distinctive choice for corporate trainings and conferences because I teach people to apply the business lessons I learned from being a lifelong entrepreneur and a former dominatrix.

In a way, they’re one and the same. Domination is fundamentally about confidence and believing you should be listened to (within carefully defined boundaries).

And so it is with business and leadership.

Here’s my biggest lesson: success is success and making it happen anywherebedroom, boardroomrequires robust social skills and powerful self-belief. Both arenas are about effective communication. They’re about confidence. They’re about managing risk, overcoming your fear of rejection, and working well with other people. Leadership in any sphere means articulating and advocating for your vision.

You need to show up, speak up, use your voice, be brave, lead, follow, create.

You need serious negotiation skills.

You need serious communication skills.

And you need confidence.

I teach you how to get yours.

When I speak, I tend to pack the house. People pay attention to what I have to say. My conclusion? This is a message they’ve been longing to hear.

That’s what I do in both my group trainings with rising superstars and the executive and entrepreneurial women I coach 1:1, too.

I teach you how to identify who you are and what you have to offer, and then practice + polish your communication skills to express your truth powerfully and persuasively.

Because that’s what I want women to know: that your voice matters and you deserve to be heard — especially at work but not just at work. Everywhere.

That’s what I want for you:

  • I want you to claim your space. It’s yours. No one and I mean no one is entitled to your place in the world.
  • I want you to use your voice and know, truly know, that yes you do deserve to be heard.
  • I want you to be able to pick and choose when and where and how you speak up. Softly. Loudly. In your own inimitable style. In your voice.
  • I want you to be able to claim your work and your contributions. They matter. Getting credit matters. (Nobody is going to take care of your career better than you, so steward it wisely.)
  • I want you to be able to express yourself in a conscious way that moves your career and your life forward.
  • I want you to get yours: your seat at the table, your role on the project, your name on the masthead, your name on the building.
  • I want you to lead your colleagues and employees and all of us forward into a white-hot new future.

And that future is so much closer than it sometimes seems.

Claim it. Use your voice to call it forward.

I’m here to help you express what you want; learn to communicate with clarity, precision and influence; and set yourself up for as much success as is possible in your world.

Trainings? Events? Coaching? Talk to me.